I just wanted to make a post about my oldest OC Bafof, who turned 5 years, on August 5th!
5 years! How the time flies~
It's been an incredible ride since then! He was not the first OC's thought out as a recurrent character, that place goes to Penumbra, and thanks to her, everything started to fall into place, making the return of Bafof!
Bafof was created for a comic for a class in my university. Here's the first drawing ever made of him.
Since then, the design has changed, as my skills improved over time, but the essence has been the same!
This one here, is the first ever drawing to debut a group of characters that will become my recurrent oc's. At this point I have established a story around Penumbra, and the rest of the gang would be the people who she interacts with in the town. Bafof would be a teacher of self-defense and "understanding your own soul" guide for her, alongside getting a new characteristic: Now he was a chef of his own restaurant!
While the years passed, a lot of more drawings of Bafof have been made, and he has become one of my favourite characters I've ever created. And I will continue drawing him until I die!
Also! You can check out the drawings of him that I have uploaded to Newgrounds! I would appreciate it if you give it a look, a like, favourite them or whatever! In any case, thanks for your support!